Malied:OOC how much xp did we get from the goblins/owlbear? I know it was enough to lv me
Simon N. (GM):Last session ended with most of party recuperating at St Cecilia's Abbey after tough fight with goblins.
Simon N. (GM):(I'm not getting any signal currently, I shall assume these messages get through eventually)
Qiviel:I saw the message about St C's Abbey
Simon N. (GM):Are you all OK with 10 days downtime to Malied can train up to Wiz-5?
Qiviel:Fine with Q - she's not in any rush to do anything.
Erasmus:Some of us are on a timetable, but yeah, that's fine.
Geoff:If Norrin is finished up with Flint Rockwood, he'll just go back to D'Ashe manor, or where ever the rest of the party wants to meet up.
Malied:awesome, we got some Fireball and Haste action going on now ^^
Erasmus:If we are doing that, I presume some will have returned to Tul for Jyrdani to pick up her potion.
Muiz:at least jyrdani can get her potion now
Simon N. (GM):test - can you see this?
Chris T.:Freaner has no issues with waiting longer. I assumehe's stillat RockwoodHold with Flint?
Simon N. (GM):OK so everyone happy with 10 days downtime, Malied levels to Wiz-5, Erasmus confesses his love for Jyrdani...
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:grins "I know, you idiot! I love you too - of course!"
hugs Any crafting etc to deal with?
Erasmus:"I'm sorry. I just should have told you sooner."
Chris T.:He will take the time to outline his thoughts on a free Dwarven confederacy as he did at Dwarfstead.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Shut up and kiss..." ~fade to black~
Erasmus:"I don't know abou...mmfff..."
Chris T.:Muiz, you mentioned a maul?
Flint Rockwood:"Sounds good tae me, Fraener - dunno what Mirna would say though, she doesn't like to get involved."
Chris T.:"Understandable."
Flint Rockwood:"The lass even tells me not tae kill too many Orcs, or they'll be replaced by worse things!"
Muiz:yeah but Simon says ijust a simple maul is enough so im seccond guessing on the silver mul
Chris T.:(Happy to put all the Dwarf stuff into the thread,during the week.)
(Happy to work as you wish, Muiz.)
Flint Rockwood:GM: Refugees fleeing the Moon Fog hills pass through D'Ashe Hall, reporting that the Mistwood Mine has been overrun by horrible monsters, the farms around Mathlyn are abandoned, the village itself may soon fall.
Simon N. (GM):It sounds as if the Malthen Estate has been cut off by the growing tide of Evil, no word on whether it's been overrun.
Chris T.:Not too far away
Simon N. (GM):That's as of 1/11/59, with 10 days downtime completed.
Malied:"any indication as to what these 'monsters' are?
have any new spell scrolls come in?
Erasmus:"This is deeply concerning. If this wave of evil continues to spread, it will soon wash over Dwarfstead and eventually D'Ashe Manor."
Simon N. (GM):Mutant hill giants, orcs, worgs seem to feature prominently in accounts.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"then we better head out, we cant let spread without check"
Geoff:A grim expression on his face, Norrin replies. "We've fought too hard and come too far to give up now. We must address this."
Simon N. (GM):Many of the creatures seem mutated, tentacles, extra eyes, that kind of thing.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc oh that is new
Malied:"maybe we can even find the souce"
Qiviel:Q nods, "Such a problem should not be left unchecked."
Simon N. (GM):(James let me know when you have Malied levelled to Wiz-5)
Simon N. (GM):It's lovely & sunny though, crystal clear blue skies :)
thx J
Erasmus:"I was hoping to turn our attention elsewhere, but such abominations cannot be allowed to roam. We should deal with this with haste - winter is no time for refugees to be caught on the road."
Geoff:"Probably our last campaign before the winter."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc damn forgot its winter
Chris T.:"An underground campaign in Khundrakar will keep us busy when the snow lays thick above? Now is the time to deal with this current threat."
Simon N. (GM):@James could you level up M's Roll20 sheet pls still says 4th
Geoff:Is there any indication of where the monsters are coming from?
Simon N. (GM):GM: You're now in the month of Rotting, always auspicious. :D
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):@Simon note i changed my cantrip from true stike to Blade during my levelup
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc not ominous at all
Malied:Seriously, who would name a month that?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):blade ward*
Simon N. (GM):The monsters seem to be descending from the hills more or less at random; they could have come from the west but there are no reports of mutated creatures west of the Silver Vale.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc sorry for the caps
Simon N. (GM):It seems as if something in the Moonfog Hills may be both attracting & mutating them
Malied:"sounds like a good place to start"
Simon N. (GM):(I'm going off Malied having Passive Investigation 18 now!)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"better check the malthen estate first to make sure the lord their is safe before we do any investigation on his lands"
Barbara D'Ashe:"I suggest you check in with Lady Mirna on the way south"
Erasmus:(OoC: Before I mark off the cost of Jyrdani's potion of healing, any chance we could have negotiated him down? Perhaps something along the lines of "We were told that the materials for this potion are far less difficult to come by than your price would suggest, and the lady is with child - would you not consider lowering the price for a mother-to-be?")
Barbara D'Ashe:sure, roll Persuasion Erasmus
Erasmus Bos:Persuasion(+0)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):Old Tul looks very offended!
Malied:I so need to learn potion making....
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani cracks her knuckles... Simon N. (GM):"Plenty of folk would give their right arm for such a fine concoction!"
OK J can roll Intimidate
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Intimidation(+4)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):"Hmph, - call it 300, as a special gift for the expectant mother."
Erasmus:"Much obliged, Master Tul."
(That could have gone sooo much better!!)
Malied:Did yo not hve any inspiration?
Erasmus:(Technically, yes. But it's fine.)
Simon N. (GM):GM: When you call in at Dwarfstead just 8 miles south of D'Ashe Manor, Lady Mirna confirms the reports. So far no attacjks this far north. Apparently a small group of heroes have organised a defence of Malthlyn, repairing the old palisade, but they seem badly outclassed.
Erasmus:"What news of the estate?"
Mirna Norasdottir:"Last I heard it's been cut off - maybe all dead by now. Certainly the miners have fled the mithril mine. Reports of giant
moths, of all things!"
Erasmus:"Moths? Malied - you have your fire spells handy, right?"
Mirna Norasdottir:"I always said there was something unnatural about that glow-fog on the hills... nothing to so with Selune, either!"
Malied:"Malied is smiling creepyly.. "excellent..."
Chris T.:"Selune?My Lady Mirna?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"seeing there is some sort of defence in malthyn better we should assist them if the estate seem unfruitful"
Geoff:"And when we get there, we should assume the worst."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm shudders the thought
Mirna Norasdottir:"Selune - human name for the Moon Goddess."
Chris T.:"Thank you m'lady. I am still learning the ways of our human friends."
Mirna Norasdottir:"aye - they're a strange lot!"
smiles "More mead, Father Fraener?"
Erasmus:"How long has this 'glow-fog' been present, Lady Mirna?"
Chris T.:"Perhaps a little..." He stutters and blushes
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"so there is a cult that worshipped Selune in Malthen i presume?"
Mirna Norasdottir:"The Moonfog's been there ever since I can remember."
"You see it around dawn, it goes soon after."
pours mead
Erasmus:(OoC would Erasmus know anything about this, being a relatively local lad?)
Erasmus:(Actually, looking at the map, he's not really any more local than D'Ashe, so nevermind.)
Chris T.:OOC Any Dwarven history regarding the moon fog?
Malied:Malieds got plus 8 to History/Religion/nature/Arcane too incase its unatural, can he role to see if it is related to any of thers?
Simon N. (GM):OK roll Malied
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Simon N. (GM):The Moon Fog Hills and the surrounding environs
have long been known as places of strange occurrences
and wild tales of horror, murder and death.
Here Wynston Mathen carved a holding from the
very wilderness granted to him as a wedding gift from
King Yurid Banacath. A silver mine was established, and the
Simon N. (GM):great campaigner and his retainers contested frequently
with tribes of orcs and trolls within the
holding, driving these dangerous foes from the land
with sword and torch. Eventually a manor keep and
the beginnings of a castle were built for Lord
Wynston’s growing family. Hearty frontiersmen and
Simon N. (GM):trained miners came from all parts to settle in the
mining village of Malthlyn, to live and ply their trade
for good wages and hard honest work.
Then tragedy struck. A cave-in befell the mine,
killing many of the miners. That same day it's said that Wynston
Mathen, in a fit of homicidal rage, slew most of his
Simon N. (GM):own family—only his wife and two of his children
survived the butchery. It was even whispered by few
that the words "not of my flesh" were smeared in
blood upon the walls of the family chapel where
most of the victims were found.
The Mathen survivors were raised by their mother’s
Simon N. (GM):family, and throughout the years came back and
attempted to finance rebuilding the estate and opening
the mines again. Villagers in Malthlyn came and
went, some lived by prospecting, others by trapping
and hunting, and some just went away. Later, farmers
came to the area, which was still dangerous but
Simon N. (GM):relatively free of hostile humanoids, and did their
best to make profitable lives for themselves.
Recently a new generation of Mathens came from
Ravensburg with a contract to supply silver to metal
dealers in the glittering city of trade and craft. The
mines were reopened shortly, and a new treasure was
Simon N. (GM):discovered: mithril. Hearing of this, miners flocked
to the area...
...however, miners
began disappearing, and it was whispered that some
new evil stalked the Moon Fog Hills.
Chris T.:"Mithril......."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc well that was an info dump, definitly some eldritch abomination live in these lands
Simon N. (GM):The Moon Fog Hills
The wilderness area known as the Moon Fog Hills is a
place of great natural resources and great dangers. The Moon
Fog Hills garner their name from the strange environmental
phenomenon known as the moon fog, a strange iridescence
that rises from the misty treetops at night, reflecting the light
Simon N. (GM):of the moon. Various dwarves, half-elves, and humans have
populated these odd hills for hundreds of years. Despite the
threat of humanoid attacks by roving bands of orcs and
goblins, the greatest danger has always come from trolls and
other strange creatures that populate the Mistwoods.
The Mistwoods
Simon N. (GM):The Mistwoods are a gnarled and twisted hardwood
forest that blankets the slopes of the Moon Fog Hills.
Although not yet clear-cut by farmers and settlers that live
in the foothills, it is said that the trees of the Mistwoods
seem to speak to one another through the rustling of their
Malied:"It always pays to have a Nerd2
Chris T.:"So the manor, the mines and then the stockade?"
Erasmus:"It would sound as though it is the mines that carry a curse. Perhaps cleansing this area would be of great benefit to the area, the Duchy and all of Damara."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"prefer to check the estate and then check on Malthlyn for more informations from the locals"
Geoff:"Or someone or something has reawakened the curse..."
Qiviel:"Sounds like it is all cursed," Q murmurs.
Chris T.:(OOC It was simply the order we'll meet 'em heading south. I'm not wedded to any order.)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc cool chris
Erasmus:"Whichever order we tackle this in, we should be vary wary while passing through the Mistwood."
Malied:"indeed, the idea of the very trees talking to eachother is very unsttling"
Simon N. (GM):GM: there is a local area map bottom right showing the main trails
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"definitely but looking at the map better we take the main road to Malthlyn then to Mlathen estate and mine rather going through the Moon Fog Hills"
Malied:"yes definitly, I don't much fancy going through a bog first!"
Simon N. (GM):Between Dwarfstead & the Mathen Estate is an expanse of treacherous boggy moor, the trails are relatively safe to navigate except for monsters :)
Simon N. (GM):GM: Quickest route should be the trail via Malthlyn yup
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Ok, let's go. We can deal with whatever we encounter on the road."
Chris T.:(OOC What colour wereLady Mirna's eyes?)
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK after a nice meady lunch at Dwarfstead you bid Lady Mirna farewell, just slightly the worse for wear - no doubt the brisk breeze will soon sober you up.
Malied:OOC what time of day is it?
Simon N. (GM):About 12.45pm
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"And you,"
looking pointedly at Erasmus "don't go rushing in and getting yourself killed."
"Or else."
Malied:"Lets try to at least reach the Woodcutter's Shack by night fall, I'd rather not sleep out in the open on this trip"
Simon N. (GM):Mirna's eyes are steel blue :)
Simon N. (GM):I'll assume you all have horses, Strohm's was killled by goblins but replaced (25gp)
(just take off 25gp when your riding horses die) >:)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):urgh yeah better have a horse than nothing at all
Simon N. (GM):6 miles south from Dwarfstead on the main trail (ca 2pm) you come across the abandoned woodcutter's shack...
Erasmus:(Just seen the soundtrack.) o_O
Simon N. (GM):no obvious dragons :)
Erasmus Bos:Perception(+5)
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:"It's fine! All clear!"
obvious dragons, one
oblivious monk.
Simon N. (GM):A large woodpile is out behind the cabin. The cabin
appears to be abandoned. The PCs notice that the sky
surrounding the area’s taller hills has a strange shimmering
luminescence about it, especially in the location of the
Mistwood Mine. Colors seem brighter than normal and, at the same time, things close to them appear to be intensely
focused, while objects more than 300 yards away flicker like
Simon N. (GM):a mirage. P-PER 13+ reveals two large patches of
toadstools near the front of the cabin. P-PER 15+ notices some movement off
behind the hanging front door.
If you want to check out the hut put your tokens down, thx
Erasmus recalls this is or was the home of Visthis the Woodsman, a well known figure in these parts for years.
Geoff:Where's my token again/
Qiviel:(I can never get tokens to work on this computer - Simon can you help please?)
Malied:Malied casts Mage Hand an gentle opens the door...
Chris T.:Avoiding the toadstools, Fraener will circle the cabin.
Erasmus:"Hold up everyone. these toadstools look strange., and the hut appears to be less abandoned than at first glance."
Simon N. (GM):You need to go to JOurnal, select your PC and drag onto VTT
Malied:OOC once everyone one is on the map
Simon N. (GM):anyone going through the hanging front door?
Erasmus:Erasmus ties his horse to a nearby tree. Malied:What do we see inside now that I opened it?
Chris T.:(OOC F has 39HP)
Geoff:Norrin will, once I can get his token on the map. :(
Malied:Malied holds a Firebolt incase this need to burn
Simon N. (GM):You see that it is a small one-room affair with a stone
fireplace and a single bed.
Geoff:"Helloooo? Anyone home?"
Erasmus will take a closer look at the toadstools, but without touching or getting too close.
Geoff:Sword drawn, Norrin will enter the cabin.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani follows Norrin. Simon N. (GM):(PC trouble)
GM: The carrion crawler hanging from the ceiling lashes down at Norrin
Simon N. (GM):or it would if I could get anything to show :)
Erasmus:(I can see the creature)
Simon N. (GM):(I see nothing!)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn that was hiding in thehut
Simon N. (GM):(& Roll20 are raising subscription costs!!!)
Simon N. (GM):yaay - finally!
Damage: 3 poisonand the target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. Until this poison ends, the target is paralyzed. The target can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the poison on itself on a success.
OK the tentacles lash down from the ceiling - Norrin make a DC 13 CON save
Simon N. (GM):They have 10' reach so only Norrin can see it
Malied:did we at least see tentacle?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"What was that?!"
Geoff:"Don't know! Kill it!"
Simon N. (GM):through the bedroom doorway Norrin sees the slimed up remains of the woodsman by a large hole
ok you can roll init
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Initiative(+2.14)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Erasmus Bos:Initiative(+4.18)
Erasmus Bos
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn someone is laggy
Simon N. (GM):OK #24 Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus is looking at toadstools when he hears a commotion. He looks up and Jyrdani waves him over. Simon N. (GM):(putting you nearer toadstools)
Erasmus:Oh. I thought you said they were at the front of the shack?
In that case, J didn't wave him over!
Simon N. (GM):says 'near the front' - ok I moved em! :)
Erasmus:Erasmus squeezes past J & N to get inside to take a look. "Ew!"
Simon N. (GM):The carrion crawler hangs from the ceiling
Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):There is a diary on the desk
E poles it
Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:Can i reach with my fists?
Simon N. (GM):The body of Visthis the ranger lies strangled and blackened in
a pool of slime.
hm, DC 10 Athletics check to reach it, the roof is fairly low
Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):ok, can hit it unarmed too
Erasmus Bos:Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):AC 13 miss miss
Erasmus:"Gah! juJust out of reach!
Erasmus moves a little further in to make way for the others.
Geoff:Norrin attacks, sword & shield
Simon N. (GM):1 hit for 14
Can he move beside Erasmus to make room?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Strohm dismounts and move to the hut
can i move here and attack?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
Simon N. (GM):Strohm hacks & stabs, green blood flows
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Simon N. (GM):It falls from the ceiling, dead!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"giant of a worm imsurprised the roof can hold such a creature"
Chris T.:"What secrets did this Ranger leave in his diary I wonder?"
Erasmus:Erasmus picks up the journal and flicks to the last entry.
Simon N. (GM):GM: You notice a gleaming hand axe hanging from the back of the door; a quiver of arrows leans against the wall.
Erasmus:(Soz Chris - didn't see your comment!
Malied:Malied is gong to head over to ther mushroom and roll nature to see what the hell they really are
Chris T.:(No worries... gleaming hand axe?...)
Simon N. (GM):Journal of Visthis
The First Entry: Miners have finally re-opened the old
Mistwood mines, and Mathens once again occupy the Mathen
Estate. I fear what they may find in those mines.
Second Entry: I have met Squire Mathen and his wife in
Malthlyn. They seem to be amicable folks, although they
Simon N. (GM):know nothing about mining.
Third Entry: Slew a horrid crime against nature in the
woods, and have seen sign of trolls and giants of late. Word
from town is that the miners have not been seen in weeks and
there is a horrid buzzing that was heard over the Mathen
estate. Screams were heard and folks fear the worst. It seems
Simon N. (GM):that the curse upon the Mathen family still looms even over
their grandchildren.
Fourth Entry: I have become a virtual prisoner in this
shack. The horrid buzzing comes every night now. Had I
not come to my senses, the foul moth creatures would have
slain me for sure. Luckily my bow was handy and I was able
Simon N. (GM):to take one of them down before fleeing for cover within
my cabin. As it died, it burst with the most foul of stenches
imaginable, turning out my stomach’s contents. The next
morning I found a patch of toadstools where the body of
the beast had been.
Fifth Entry: Again they came for me, buzzing and twittering
Simon N. (GM):in the night, but I was ready for them this time, and
another fell to my bow. I don’t know how long I will last out
here alone, perhaps I should try to make a break for Malthlyn.
Perhaps Akomi and Roarch will have some answers or at
very least they will lend some strength.
They are non-edible mildly poisonous mushrooms, yellow and foul
Qiviel:Q watches from where she was approaching with sword drawn. She wrinkles her nose at the mess of monster and waits patiently for the others to finish investigating, keeping an eye on their surroundings
Geoff:"We should give him a proper burial," Norrin says solemnly. "We can build a pyre with the firewood here."
Chris T.:"And I'll treat those mushrooms to a dose or two of Moradin's fire."
(Inspect the hand axe?)
Simon N. (GM):The dead man was carrying a heavy battle axe, it looks dwarf-crafted, and wears a chain shirt.
Malied:did a 22 nature check ont eh shrooms pick up anything interesting?
Simon N. (GM):The hand axe is also dwarf craft (both +1 weapons)
Erasmus:*Erasmus goes to the corpse of Visthis. Does the slime appear to be caustic?
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"proud man but his writing he stayed in his hut and fought rather than running to the nearest settlement"
Simon N. (GM):The slime seems digestive, so yes caustic
Erasmus:Can Ersasmus see the bow at all?
Simon N. (GM):>>They are non-edible mildly poisonous mushrooms, yellow and foul<< Malied
Chris T.:"Mailed.let me know when you're done and I'll killthose horrid things."
Simon N. (GM):Yes Erasmus finds the bow by the bed, a regular longbow, nice work
Malied steps back and starts firebolting them
Simon N. (GM):There is a strong box under the bed.
Chris T.:"Or do it yourself."
Erasmus:"Damn. Was hoping it might be a shortbow."
*Erasmus takes the bow and pulls out the box
Chris T.:"Elves..." Grumbles Fraerner
Simon N. (GM):The box is quite heavy, sounds like coin inside, and the clink of glass
nice solid lock
Chris T.:Fraerner is carefulto stand upwind of any smoke from the mushrooms
Simon N. (GM):metal bound box, v sturdy
Erasmus:"Jyrdani? Do you think you could get this lock off, please?"
Simon N. (GM):Quite a fug rising from the shrooms - roll a CON save Malied
Geoff:"The one time we actually need Ted, and he's not around."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:eyes box "Maybe with a maul - eventually"
Malied:I did say I stepped back :P
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Malied feels rather lightheaded
Erasmus:"What about with one of those axes?"
Qiviel you notice something come crawling round the side of the house
Roll init, only Qiviel not surprised
Qiviel:She calls out and starts to move towards it
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Initiative(+2.14)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Qiviel:(why do the dice hate me so????)
Erasmus Bos:Initiative(+4.18)
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):Cute baby carrion crawlers have emerged from the wood pile and come looking for mummy...
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol oh no
Simon N. (GM):Horses whinny and flee in fear
Simon N. (GM):1 attacks Malied as he's recovering from druggie haze :)
AC 13?
luckily its paralytic tentacles are just cute little stubs just yet
1 vs Qiviel
doesn't like plate armour
1 on Strohm
Erasmus:Can I even get to it?
Qiviel:She attacks it (come on dice, behave!)
5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+7)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Qiviel:And if it's not dead, she'll attack again with her 2nd attack
5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+7)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice damage
Simon N. (GM):badly wounded
Qiviel:(sturdy little things, aren't they?)
Erasmus:Can I get to it? pretty crowded in here
there is a door at the back
latched on inside
50' to it?
Erasmus:Erasmus heads out the back and around to the front of the house.
Seeing the creature, he throws two darts.
Erasmus Bos:20ft./60ft.
Dart ()
Erasmus Bos
Dart ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):1 hit for 6
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):attack the grub with Excruciator
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):slipppery little bugger
end trun
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):not worth action surge for
firebolt the one attacking Q
Simon N. (GM):as in melee
roll attack again
2 dmg if hit
Simon N. (GM):also it's 2d10 now
so 7 I guess :)
Simon N. (GM):It shrivels up & dies
Malied:now I trust you all to save me me :P
Simon N. (GM):edit your sheet to make it 2d10
I'll update it now
AC 15 from there (cover from door)
Geoff:Norrin moves up to beside Strohm. Can he attack through the door from here?
Simon N. (GM):1 hit for 9
Simon N. (GM):crawler bites at Malied
Simon N. (GM):& at Strohm
Chris T.:Fraener calls forth holy radiance upon the one attacking Mailed. DC12 Dex save.
(sacred flame)
Chris T.:he avoids the nasty smoke if it comes close. Done
Erasmus:Jyrdani follows Erasmus "You ran off again!"
BA Dash
funny half of you won't even spend SR powers and there J is raging :)
Erasmus:TTwo attacks on the one on Malied
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Ironwolf - RAGE ()
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Ironwolf - RAGE ()
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):the situation doesnt call for it XD
Simon N. (GM):it's badly wounded
Erasmus:Bugger. Forgot reckless!
Simon N. (GM):ok Qiviel now
Qiviel:Q moves up beside J to attack the one by Malied
5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+7)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Qiviel:IF the other one is alive, she'll turn and hit that one with her second attack
Simon N. (GM):slimy green blood spatters
Qiviel:5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+7)
Simon N. (GM):& it's over
Simon N. (GM):Dead grubs lie slain
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Ah... Technically, I can't do that.
Qiviel:(MK voice: Fatality)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Rage is a bonus action.
So couldn't dash.
then attack.
Simon N. (GM):OK have Erasmus spank you for being very naughty.
Chris T.:F makes sure of the mushrooms with doses of radiant damage.
Simon N. (GM):OK you're out of combat - Fraener finishes off the foul shrooms
Malied:well that was unpleasent
Qiviel:Q moves away from the weird energy between Jyrdani and Erasmus and goes to wipe green ichor off her sword
Chris T.:ooc: did we get the strong box open?
Malied:"shall we give this man a proper funeral now?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:How heavy is it?
Geoff:"Yes, he deserves no less."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"that was a surprised lets clear this hut and move onto Malthyn, Ermus you opening the box here?"
Simon N. (GM):Weighs about 9 lb
Chris T.:Fraener will set to identifying the two axes.
Erasmus:"Indeed. Visthis was well known around these parts."
Simon N. (GM):mostly from the metal
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i will assit with the fallen burial"
Malied:rit cast detect magic on the box
Qiviel:Can Q try to pry the box open if no one else has any other way to open it?
Malied:in cae there is something magical inside
Simon N. (GM):GM: Fraener IDS Vithis' axes as a +1 battleaxe & +1 hand axe, gifts from the dwarves according to the runes on them
Simon N. (GM):If you have a hammer & chisel you can try to pry it open
Erasmus:Erasmus has a crowbar
Simon N. (GM):OK you can Short Rest here while Fraener works on opening the box?
Qiviel:Ah, not Q then. She's got nothing like that. So she'll help Erasmus if he needs assistance
Chris T.:Crafty F will brace the box in such a way that it will minimise damage to the potion boittle within :)
Malied:sounds good, i'll blow a hit die to top myself off
Simon N. (GM):Will take you to 3pm; gets dark aound 5.20pm
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc yeah give enough time to burn the worms and bury Visthis
Erasmus:If we know that, Erasmus would suggest just taking the box with them.
Simon N. (GM):Anyone got Nature trained?
Geoff:Norrin will carry Visthis' body out of the house and arrange it peacefully in a clear area, and start piling firewood around it.
Malied:the next place along the way is a farm, I don't think we'll get there before nightfall
Simon N. (GM):Norrin does so, getting very slimey
i do
Simon N. (GM):ok roll Malied
Chris T.:(and it was normal,steel chainmail he wore?
Simon N. (GM):@Malied Norrin better clean that gel off w alcohol or it will rot his gear & his flesh
albeit slowly :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Fraener will you take the battle axes or at least hold on to them until one of us want to use it"
Malied:"...Norrin you REALLY need to get that stuff cleaned off. like NOW with alchol"
Geoff::( Waste of good alcohol
Malied:unless you'd prefer to slowly melt to death
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i have one of gundraa brew if you want?"
Malied:hmm, Norrin melting, or keep the alchol, tough choice xD
Geoff:"I have one as well. I'll use that."
Qiviel:I've got a truesilver finest.
It's expired by this point, but probably still alcoholic :)
Simon N. (GM):OK Norrin cracks open a brew, cleans himself off
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):passes Norrin True silver beer brew
Malied:"did anyone else get that slime on them?"
Simon N. (GM):GM: Norrin you light the Ranger's funeral pyre?
Geoff:Norrin can be heard mumbling under his breath as he cleans his armour.
Yes, the ranger deserves no less.
Qiviel:Q cleans off her sword and any other green on herself/armour/shield and offers the rest to Jyrdani.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"the grubs dont seem to excrete the slime so i am safe for now"
Simon N. (GM):OK Norrin lights the pyre; which handlily also kills the carrion crawler eggs stuck to the wood - Vithis burns along with his enemies :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):nice
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Thank you, Lady Qiviel."
Geoff:'And justice is served."
Simon N. (GM):You complete a sort rest and Fraener eventually cracks the strongbox open
Inside are 200gp and 3 vials labelled anti-toxin, still intact.
3pm now
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"we will make good use of your savings"
Malied:How far/lojng is it to the farm along the road?
Simon N. (GM):not long on horseback, def before nightfall
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"lets continue if we ride non stop we reach Malthyn bfoe night fall"
Malied:"shall we move on?"
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:28gp each, plus 4 left over.
Simon N. (GM):GM: OK you mount up and head on...
Erasmus rides up alongside Malied.
Simon N. (GM):You make good progress down the trail... several miles and about 40 minutes later the trees open out and you see farmland ahead. A large farm stands just west of a crossroads where your northern trail joins an eastern trail to Ravensburg and south-west to Malthlyn.
Then you hear screams...
Erasmus:"You would do well to keep yourself at as much of a distance as possible. You're no good to any of us dead."
Malied:"I was only that close to provide cover tot those inside, I had not expected the smaller ones
Erasmus:"And I'm actually starting to quite like you."
foul-looking giant with a human form grasped in one of his
three huge fists.
Simon N. (GM):A pig goes flying through the air past you
Chris T.:(We approach from the west?)
Simon N. (GM):The man is screaming - more female screams from the farm just west of the pig pen
You approach from the east
Simon N. (GM):from the crossroads
Qiviel:(Another mutant - it seems)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc we placing tokens?
Simon N. (GM):The strange giant eyes your approach and snarls, hefting the unfortunate farmer
You can place tokens on the road if you gallop up
& roll init pls
Erasmus Bos:Initiative(+4.18)
Erasmus Bos
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Initiative(+2.14)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):we lost geoff?
there you are :D
Geoff:Still here, just trying to figure out how to place my token.
Simon N. (GM):ok I placed Q & N
Simon N. (GM):everyone on init chart?
Erasmus:You clicked on your horse token.
my Horse is the superior species tbh :P
Simon N. (GM):ok #Erasmus
Erasmus:Erasmus rides forward then dismounts.
(Using dash action.)
Simon N. (GM):Pigs scream & shriek in terror. The monster roars
Malied:If Malied launches a firebolt will he hit the farmer?
Simon N. (GM):No, it's HUge
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:To Qiviel "Hmm... perhaps he's learning!"
Simon N. (GM):miss - well, hit its hides
Qiviel:"Positive reinforcement," Q nods to Jyrdani
Geoff:Norrin will ride up to the fence, dismount, and climb over, if he has enough movement left.
Simon N. (GM):you can move 15' on horse + dismount
so you still have Action (& Action Surge)
Geoff:Action surge to run at the monster and attack
Geoff:HOpefully to distract it enough so it doesn't rip the farmer in half.
2 attacks?
Simon N. (GM):1 hit for 9
she can ride 20' + dismount
w/out an Action
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Ations to move and vault the fence.
Simon N. (GM):OK, auto for her I'd say
Simon N. (GM):The athach makes three stomps, club attacks, throws or grapple attempts in any combination. If it has a target grappled, it may Bite them as a bonus action. tries to stomp Norrin
Damage: 12 bluntand a Small or Medium creature must make a DC 17 STR save or be knocked Prone.
Geoff:AC 22, sword & shield
tries to grab him
Damage:The target must succeed on an opposed Athletics or Acrobatics check or be Grappled. A Small, Medium or Large target is also Restrained.
ok roll Athletics Norrin
Geoff:"Pick on someone who can fight back, you stupid lummox!"
Simon N. (GM):Norrin grabbed & restrained (disad to hit, advtg to be hit)
Malied:surely it should only have made two attacks since its holding the farmer :P
Simon N. (GM):bites Norrin
don't be a dick James, stomp was w foot :p
Simon N. (GM):Damage: 9 piercingand the target must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or gain the Poisoned condition for 1 minute.
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:(Two free hands, two free feet)
Simon N. (GM):bite 18 - NOrrin's armour holds
Geoff:"Oh for.... sakes!" Norrin swears.
Simon N. (GM):Throws NOrrin at Jyrdani...
Damage: 14 bluntThe Athach throws either a rock or a grappled victim. A grappled victim always takes the damage whether the throw hits or misses the actual target.
Norrin & Jyrdani both take 14 dmg
Erasmus:(Couldn't throw him at me) :(
Simon N. (GM):DC 17 STR save Jyrdani or prone
Geoff:"My apologies, Lady Jyrdani. I seem to have splashed you with pig shit."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Strength Save(+7)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):Norrin bounces off Jyrdani :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):lol
Simon N. (GM):J does a wonder woman pose as he lies at her feet :D
The Athach backs away, roaring
farmer tries to break free
no chance
Tim: "Let dad go!"
Mrs Barnaby: "AAAAAAAAA!""
Malied:"You tell him Timmy!"
Simon N. (GM):2 pigs make a break for it
Qiviel:Q urges Rocco up as far as she can then casts Command
She Commands him to drop the farmer
Enchantment 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: 1 round
You speak a one-word command to a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. The spell has no effect if the target is undead, if it doesn’t understand your language, or if your command is directly harmful to it. Some typical commands and their effects follow. You might issue a command other than one described here. If you do so, the DM determines how the target behaves. If the target can’t follow your command, the spell ends. Approach. The target moves toward you by the shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet of you. Drop. The target drops whatever it is holding and then ends its turn. Flee. The target spends its turn moving away from you by the fastest available means. Grovel. The target falls prone and then ends its turn. Halt. The target doesn’t move and takes no actions. A flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance needed to remain in the air.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):oh nice
Simon N. (GM):ok he's Commanded
nice one :)
Qiviel:"Get out of there," she shouts at the Farmer
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):dimount and move up and castfirebolt
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Does damage break the spell?
oh fuck can i redo
no it does not
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):if that is the case
phew okay nevermind
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):end turn
Chris T.:F uses one of his stored inspirations to ask Moradin to guide huis shot. Then sends a 1st level, Guiding Bolt at the Giant.
Chris T.:rolling 4d6 # Radiant + adv to hit next turn
Simon N. (GM):'the next Attack roll made against this target before the end of your next turn has advantage, thanks to the mystical dim light glittering on the target until then.'
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):thanks chris
Erasmus:Erasmus vaults the fence, charges the abomination and unleashes a flurry of attacks. Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):10 bounces off
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):advantage
Erasmus Bos:Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):14 hits for 9
Malied:Let's try this again..FIREBOLT
Malied:bach, low damage, move up and end turn
Simon N. (GM):#Norrin (prone)
Erasmus:(He can't take reactions till the end of my next turn)
Geoff:Climbs to his feet and rejoins the attack
Not having learned his lesson the first time.
How far can I move?
Simon N. (GM):15' so will take action to reach it
Geoff:that should be far enough. Done
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Jyrdani rushes up beside Erasmus and attacks recklessly. Jyrdani of Jiyyd:Ironwolf - RAGE ()
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Ironwolf - RAGE ()
Jyrdani of Jiyyd
Simon N. (GM):J slashes at its ankles, it hops in pain
Simon N. (GM):2nd Rage running?
Simon N. (GM):The Athach drops the farmer into the soft pig muck. He scrambles to his feet, seeing it seems semi-stunned (no opp atts) he legs it
vaulting the fence into the bushes & hides
Qiviel:(Run, Barnaby, Run!)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d20
roll Intimidate Qiviel
Simon N. (GM):if that was IC could keep him alive
OK Q's barked command gets Barnaby to his feet & he flees round the farmhouse w his son
Mrs Barnaby gets the door open: "In here!"
OOC I thought Barnaby had no chance of survival so well done so far :)
Qiviel:(how far can I go on R - can I ride up beside and attack over the fence and reach?)
Rocco is the only horse that will go into melee range w it
5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+7)
5 ft
Longsword +1 (1h) (+7)
Rocco, War Horse:"Neiigh!"
27 dmg!
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):move over the fence and move and cast firbolt
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn action surge
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):attck with Excruciator
Chris T.:Fraerner moves up (at pony speed)to try get within 60' of itnext turn. Done.
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
Excruciator, Sword of Amaul (Bonded) (+8)
Simon N. (GM):1 hit for 7
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):damn end turn
Simon N. (GM):double 1s :(
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):yeah bad turn
Simon N. (GM):#Erasmus vs the pinata
Erasmus Bos:Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Darkwood Staff ()
Erasmus Bos
Erasmus:A... Flurry of Blows...
Simon N. (GM):It staggers, roaring
Erasmus Bos:Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
Flurry of Blows ()
Erasmus Bos
Simon N. (GM):It screams as E's foot hits its delicate parts
Malied:not gonna risk missingg
Magic misssile
120 Foot
Magic Missile (+8)
Simon N. (GM):The great beast sinks to its knees... then falls, dead at last.
Simon N. (GM):(MM is 3 auto hits not 1 ranged attack!)
Simon N. (GM):Qiviel have inspiration for saving Mr Barnaby :)
Qiviel:Q sheathes her sword and pats Rocco on the flank, soothingly
Geoff:Somewhat embarrassed and again covered in questionable material Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"we better burn this beast looks like a troll and i dont like taking chances"
Simon N. (GM):Barnaby to Q: "You saved me! Thank you, milady! Wh-who are you?!"
Erasmus:"You need to clean up, Norrin."
Simon N. (GM):(out of combat)
Malied:Malied will investigate the creature to see what he can glean from it nature, maybe it a spell based allication
Qiviel:"I am Qiviel. My companions and I are investigating the source of these troublesome monsters."
Qiviel:"Are you and yours unharmed?"
Erasmus:Erasmus will try to discern what type of creature this is. Simon N. (GM):"Aye, milady! But we are the last ones not to flee - foolish, I see now!"
Mrs Barnaby: "What did I tell you Barnaby? Your stubborness will be the death of you!"
Geoff:Norrin scrapes the mud and pig droppings off of his armour. "Norrin, Son of Thorrin, of D'Ashe Manor," he says to the farmer. "Can I use your well to wash up, if you don't mind?"
Simon N. (GM):"Of course Sir Norrin!"
Mrs Barnaby: "Have whatever you need!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"how far it is to Malthyn?"
Simon N. (GM):Barnaby: "Tim - go fetch Lady Qiviel the magic arrows! It's the least we can do!"
Geoff:"But first, can you tell us how this creature came to attack your farm?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"See Erasmus? I'm not the only one that thinks stubbornness if foolish."
smirk *is
Qiviel:"Payment is not necessary," Q says. "We are glad to have saved your lives."
Simon N. (GM):Barnaby: "Bout a leagur to Malthlyn, Sir Elf"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"magic arrows? the people here are more well armed than i expected"
Simon N. (GM):GM: They invite you inside to clean up and have a nice cup of warm milk
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc what is a leagur?
Qiviel:Q is mildly bewildered but follows inside for milk.
Malied:Malied is still ruminating on whzat he discovered with his nature role of the beast
but he follows
Simon N. (GM):Mrs Barnaby: "Anyone for some bacon sandwiches? We have a lot of dead pigs need curing..."
GM: Over a short rest they tell you a few things
Qiviel:a league is 3 miles or 5.5km f]
Chris T.:Fraerner gathers together the horses
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):at least my action surge refresh
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:(Oh yeah. horses!. Erasmus will help.)
Malied:"sounds deleightful!" clicks his fingers and and holds a firebolt "I#ll even cook them!"
Simon N. (GM):Barnaby warns you that
the giant beast that you just killed is one of many strange
creatures responsible for marauding through the area since
the cursed Mistwood mines were re-opened. He next tells
you that the locals have heard a strange murmuring at
night, and some farmers have even fought off strange tentacled
Simon N. (GM):beasts with their pitchforks.
Delicious bacon sandwiches are served :)
Barnaby: "Well, we'll be leaving soon as we can get the wagon packed up - that monster was a sign!"
Mrs Barnaby: "At night?! Even more foolish!"
Erasmus:"Oh, that was the most delightful bacon I have eaten in a very long time. Thank you."
Simon N. (GM):BRB drinks run
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"where will you go Mr Barnaby?"
Geoff:"Head north, and bring this news to Lady Barbara D'Ashe at D'Ashe Manor. Many other refugees have headed that way. We will make this region safe again."
Malied:waiting until morning then go wityh all due haste, stop for nothing and do not spare the horses!"
Qiviel:"We could stay the night and guard the family so they can leave safely at dawn?" Q posits to her companions. "It would save us from having to camp out, as well."
Malied:i think its almost nightfall as well
Geoff:"That's not a bad idea."
Malied:soz, it is night -.-
"Let's get the horses intothe stable?"
Qiviel:"If it's no bother," she asks of Barnaby and his family.
Chris T.:(OOC did we search the thing?)
Simon N. (GM):Barnabyb seems
extremely happy at your suggestion of spending the night here
GM: Malied roll Nature vs the thing
Qiviel:"we can take turns with watches," Q suggests to her companions.
Simon N. (GM):Barnaby: "It's wonderful that you can stay here! With so many monsters about! Yes we can take word to Lady D'Ashe as you say."
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"D'Ashe is looking for good farmers like you, by the way... some old farms, still good."
Simon N. (GM):Malied - you ID it as an Athach, a semi-legendary 3-armed giant
Some say created from Orcs by the same foul sorcery that bred Ettins, but much more powerful.
GM: Dusk falls
Fraener you search the giant?
Qiviel:Q gets the horses situated before dark
Chris T.:F offers to watch in the darkest partof the night
Geoff:Norrin will take first watch.
Simon N. (GM):It had a big spikey club, armour made from hides and dead pigs... and a massive coin pouch holding 953 gp worth of assorted coin
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):holy damn the giant was loaded
Qiviel:(How many watches? Are we doing 6 shorter or 3 longer watches?)
Simon N. (GM):Barnaby breaks out the beer kegs: "Can't take it with us, friends - drink up!"
Chris T.:F drinks only lightly.
Simon N. (GM):6 watches will let you all get a good night's sleep (+1 hp/level if under full)
Qiviel:(Pair watches or separate? Because Q will take first watch shared with Norrin, or she'll take second watch before F)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"i will pass on that thank you for the offer but i prefer to be Sober during my watch"
Chris T.:maybe double up for the later watches?
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"I'll take a watch with you, Lady Qiviel."
Geoff:Norrin is now 37/49
Simon N. (GM):Eventually you settle down, Norrin taking first watch
Qiviel:"Certainly, Jyrdani, we can share our watches."
Simon N. (GM):The night passes peacefully, though you do hear eerie howling in the distance
Erasmus:"And I will watch with Fraener."
Malied:i'll take whick watches are left over
Qiviel:So Norrin on first. Q and J will share second and third. F and E will take 4th and 5th and Malied 6th just before dawn?
Simon N. (GM):Next morning the Barnabies load up their wagon pulled by an old boney ox, tethering several unhappy pigs to the back
Chris T.:"Glad to have you beside me, Erasmus."
Erasmus:"And you. I wanted to ask, what do you think has been going on in Khundrakar since we've been gone?"
Simon N. (GM):Chickens are cooped, bedding, pans etc piled high.
Geoff:As Norrin helps load the wagon, he tells Barnaby, "Stop for nothing, but Dwarfstead is a safe haven. May the gods watch over you."
Chris T.:"I fear more of the Dark Dwarves, or worse, will have returned since we departed."
Erasmus:"I feel the same. That ladder was rather ominous."
Chris T.:"Let us discuss it when next werest?"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"lets worry about that later Fraener for now lets focus on moving to Malthyn"
Simon N. (GM):Barnaby: "Yes Sir Norrin! We'll go fast as we can!"
Erasmus:"Mmhmm. There are just so many distractions."
Simon N. (GM):The family bid you farewell and head off, taking the north route towards Dwarfstead.
Erasmus:(Technically, that discussion was during our watch...)
Qiviel:Q waves them off in the morning
Simon N. (GM):GM: After breakfast & seeing the family off you mount up & head for Malthlyn.
You ride through a desolate landscape of abandoned farms
Erasmus:Coin split is 136gp each with 1gp left over. (I presume Fraener is holding onto the spare from this and the lock box)
Simon N. (GM):GM: It proves to be well over a league to Malthlyn, closer to 6 miles, but the journey is easy enough
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):thanks Tim
Simon N. (GM):rolling 1d8
Geoff:Norrin makes a face at the abandoned farms. So many families up-rooted because of this scourge...
Simon N. (GM):The sky is overcast, threatening rain, and the temperature much chiller than yesterday.
Malied:Malied puulls his cloak tihjyrt
Simon N. (GM):Farmsteads lie vacant and in
ruins, their fields left untended, some with great holes smashed in the farm buildings.
Erasmus:Erasmus is keeping a look out for anything strange. Simon N. (GM):After a half hour or so's trot you see ahead the chimney smokes of Malthlyn, surrounded by a newly repaired palisade.
Guards on the wall watch you warily as you approach. One callsc out: "Who goes there?!"
Qiviel:"Interesting," Q murmurs. "Guards but no one protecting the lands?"
Erasmus:"Protecting the people would seem their priority. Strange though, as I wonder what they are eating?"
Qiviel:"Let's go find out," she replies.
Geoff:"Maybe too few resources. They can't spread their forces too thin or else nothing gets protected."
Qiviel:"Hail and well met! We have come to investigate the monstrous beasts."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"sholdnt we answer the guard?"
Simon N. (GM):"I see... wait while I fetch Cignor."
Qiviel:Q reins up Rocco and is content to wait, watching them from behind her helm
"Who wishes to hold the conversation with Cignor?" she asks her companions, softly.
"I am not trained such matters, I admit."
Simon N. (GM):GM: After a short time the gates are opened - you see a couple guards, a grizzled bearded man, a Narish war-maid without much on, and a muscular half orc with a holy symbol of Gond the Forger at his throat.
Chris T.:"I doubt he'll want to see my ugly, Dwarven mug..."
Geoff:"You're doing as well as any of us would," Norrin chuckles in reply.
Simon N. (GM):The veteran steps forward. "Hail! I am Cignor, what passes for a leader round here." He grins. "And who might you be?"
Qiviel:Q flashes him a quick smile. "Very well then."
"I am called Qiviel."
She quickly introduces the others
"We have come to investigate the monstrous beasts. We encountered one such thing on a farm a league back."
Simon N. (GM):Cignor smiles back, nodding. "You're here to help us out? Be warned, you're not the first... "
Qiviel:"Oh? Have others come before us? Any information they may have brought back could be useful."
"May we enter?"
Simon N. (GM):"A squad of Arcatan soldiers, led by a Knight, came through bout a Tenday back. seeking the cause of the strange happenings. They headed up into the hills - ain't seen them since.... Aye, come in!"
Cignor: "This here is Ilyria, a Nar scout, and Thungor, our Priest of Gond the Forger." They nod to you.
Qiviel:"Thank you," she encourages Rocco forward. "A Knight and a squad, how interesting."
"A pleasure to meet you all."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"an Arcatan knight first time i heard a local noble taking action to safeguard there home'
Chris T.:(Has Fraerner heard of Gond the Forger?)
Simon N. (GM):Cignor smiles: "Likewise - we need all the help we can get! Come on to the Inn...." he nods to Strohm. "Aye - when the Mithril tribute stopped going north, they started caring!"
(some dwarven theologians believe Gond is the human aspect of Moradin)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"oh i see that makes sense "
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc we drop our token
Geoff:"The Arcatans got thumped pretty good at the Battle of Goliad. I'm surprised there's any knights left."
Simon N. (GM):The guards take your horses to the stables while Cignor escorts you to the Inn
A male dwarf serves at the bar, aided by a buxom redhead lass, a blonde girl is sat at a table mixing healing potion, looks like.
Chris T.:Fraerner salutes, Thungor as a fellow forge priest.
Simon N. (GM):Cignor: "This is Virginia, our priestess of Miellikki, and Zedanar there runs the Inn..."
Thungor salutes Fraener back, regarding him curiously.
Chris T.:"Wellmet forge-brother."
Simon N. (GM):@Strohm the redhead bar wench must be the one the dwarf spoke of! :)
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"so that is Gerda brother"
Simon N. (GM):Cignor: "Finira, drink and food for our new friends!"
Zedanar perks up: "Gerda? How is she?!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"and that is Finera i heard about..." *looking at her lustily
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"we came from Flint help him getting rid of orcs"
Malied:Malied sits in thee orner of the inn and pulls out a book to read
Simon N. (GM):Virginia seems to have several small birds perched on her shoulder or on the table, tweeting birdsong. She smiles at you. "Hello."
Qiviel:Q approaches curious about the birds.
Simon N. (GM):Finira to Strohm:
smiles "Hello there!"
Zedanar pours your drinks.
Erasmus:"Malied, well done on felling that abomination last night."
Qiviel:"You have bird companions?" she asks of Virginia.
Virginia Essel:"Hello milady? You like my companions?"
smiles Qiviel:"I do, they sound very lovely."
Malied:"Thank you, I wish we didn't have to keep fight such vile things though!"
Virginia Essel:"Yes, a gift from Mielikki!"
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):"Hello i heard your beuty from the dwarves of Rockwood Hold i happy say im not dissapointed"
Geoff:"Cignor, tell us more. When did the strange creatures start appearing?"
Virginia Essel:"Your elf friend is getting on well with my sister..."
sidewise look Qiviel:"What a fascinating gift; they look like they would bring you a great deal of joy, " she says.
Erasmus:"Indeed. Perhaps one day we will be able to retire peacefully."
glnces at Jyrdani with a smile Qiviel:Q follows the sideways look. "If your sister is not entertained, he will take any words to that effect without ill will."
Simon N. (GM):Finira giggles flirtatiously at Strohm's compliment. Cignor sighs and turns to Norrin. "Aye - first signs were over a month back. But it's been getting worse every day. We lost the mine 'bout ten days back - these four are about all that's left" - gestures to the 4 miners.
Virginia Essel:smiles happily at Qiviel "They do!" She follows Q's look. "Oh, Finira always takes care of herself."
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):ooc you know me so well keelia XD
Geoff:"And the monsters started coming out of the mine? Did the miners open up to a new area and released them inadvertently?
Malied:I think we all know you that well mate :P
Qiviel:(Q figures he's simply a friendly flirt, if they aren't interested, he'll be happy to have a drink. Also, she has heavy armour and a sturdy boot :D )
Galeb Duhr:Cignor shrugs: "Not that I know of, Norrin. Seems like the monsters just started attacking everywhere."
Simon N. (GM):sorry Cignor is prob not a Galeb Duhr :)
Chris T.:(Galeb Duhr....)
Qiviel:Q excuses herself from Virginia to listen in to Cignor's words
Strohm of Leth (Muiz):OOC yeah he looks a bit too rocky XD
Geoff:"Any newcomers to the area around the time the monsters started appearing? Anyone suspicious, like a wizard or something?
Qiviel:"Or folk returning after a very long absence?"
Malied:Malieds eyes narrow at the word wizard being used like that -.-
Chris T.:"Or perhaps the incursions started from a perticular direction?"
Geoff:Norrin gives Malied an apologetic look.
Simon N. (GM):Cignor scratches his beard. "There's always comings and goings - Lord Mathen and his wife visited a few times. Friendly folks, if a bit odd maybe."
Erasmus:"Any sign of Lord oar Lady Mathen recently?"
Geoff:"Anything unusual, or out of the ordinary that you've noticed? We're trying to pin down any possible cause for this."
Simon N. (GM):"We ain't seen them since the attacks started - may be dead, now. Our old Constable, Roarch, and Priestess Akomi of Mielikki went up to seek Vithis the Ranger, never came back."
Muiz:guys i have to go now but lets say Strohm dos his usualy thing, thank you everyone for the game
Erasmus:"Visthis is dead."
Simon N. (GM):Cignor grimaces. "Figures."
Simon N. (GM):(bye Muizz!)
Erasmus:"We came across his body in his shack up north. It was infested with crawlers."
Simon N. (GM):Cignor: "Could be someone raising monsters to take the mithril mine, I guess."
Erasmus:"The shack, that is. Not his corpse."
Simon N. (GM):Ilyria: "Crawlers?"
Erasmus:"Yes. One large yellow slimy thing with a bunch of juveniles."
Chris T.:Freaner wonders if there could be some connection between the crawlers and the moths. Lavae maybe?
Ilyria:"The Carrion Moth larvae. I see."
"Just one of the strange horrors that beset us now."
Erasmus:"That thing was a larva? It was immense!"
Ilyria:"They... are at least as big as the Moths. Beware of them - their droning can drive you mad. The men I was with did not survive our encounter."
Chris T.:"Does breathing in the spores of their mushrooms do any lasting harm?"
Erasmus:"There was a hole in the floor of the shack. Do they normally burrow up?"
Simon N. (GM):Cignor: "They seem most common near the Mine - we think there may be a hidden lair nearby. Now of course they are just one of our worries."
Geoff:"We should talk to those miners. They might know something."
Qiviel:Q make a mental note - droning will likely be a psychic or sonic attack, perhaps something like sirens that may drive people mad.
"What other worries concern you?"
Ilyria:"A foul odor of the grave bursts
forth from the Moth's body at death. Once
settled this cloud of filth becomes host to a mold like fungus... but I do not think it is dangerous."
Simon N. (GM):Cignor: "The Carrion Crawlers burrow, yes."
Cignor: "Orcs, giants, worgs... but I would say the Moths are among the worst!"
Qiviel:"It's not safe," she murmurs to Ilyria. "Those fungi can be burned but the smoke is dangerous."
Malied:"We'll have to be aware of their burrowing behaviour as we proceed, we may end up surounded if we don't have our wits about us"
Ilyria:grimaces "I have seen ... men and women, I thought I once knew. But changed, horrible... claws like a crab, where a hand should be. Tentacles sprouting from mouths. Farmers, hunters, miners..."
Erasmus:"It seems strange that the creature would burrow up directly into Visthis's sleeping quarters. Feels too... convenient."
Ilyria:"...Some terrible corruption has taken the hills. And threatens to destroy us."
Geoff:"Almost like it knew what it was doing..."
Qiviel:Q sits forward, "What had they done or encountered prior to those...changes?"
Erasmus:"Exactly Norrin."
Chris T.:(I've gotto go in 15 minutes tooguys. Soz)
Geoff:"Or something was controlling it."
Simon N. (GM):Cignor: "It often seems some controlling intelligence is behind the attacks... but what, I do not know."
Geoff:"Well, that's what we're here to find out."
Erasmus:"Right. So we need to find this puppet master and cut his strings."
Ilyria:looks to Qiviel: "I don't know - but folk in the Moonfog Hills were taken first. The farms, more recently."
(will end at 9.30 latest)
Jyrdani of Jiyyd:"Have you been attcked here, in the village?"
Chris T.:"Yet Lady Mirna has seen no such attacks to the north?"
Malied:"These creatures are...Aberrations of nature...."
Simon N. (GM):Cignor: "I'd say the outbreak was worst around the mine - but now it is spreading."
Qiviel:Q nods. "It's a difficult subject to discuss, I realize, and I appreciate you doing so."
Geoff:"No, all of the refugees who fled north give similar stories, but it hasn't spread that far yet."
Chris T.:"The mines are sounding worthy of our attention?"
Simon N. (GM):"Nothing has attacked over the palisade. They preferred to take the farms. Of course, now the last farmers are gone..."
shrugs Geoff:"We will start with the mines, then. Let's ask the miners what they know."
Qiviel:"Is it only people or are the animals also targeted?"
Malied:@SMN given that we know that there is some intelegete influce going on and these creates seem like abberations, can Malied role Arcane to try and conclude something?
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Malied:because I think i might know what type of create is behind it
Qiviel:"The beast we encountered was killing animals and trying to carry or perhaps kill a farmer."
Malied:(i.e. creature type)
Ilyria:"Yes... some animals seem affected, too. I saw a squirrel with ...fangs.... early on, And a rabbit, feasting on a bird."
Simon N. (GM):@Malied I'm not sure what your Arcana check would be for?
Qiviel:"Disturbing. Malied, have you encountered anything in your studies?"
Simon N. (GM):Does sound to Malied like an Aberrant influence, yes
Malied:i.e. i think this might be an aboeleth
k, no rolling then
Simon N. (GM):could conceivably be an Aboleth but you don't have enough info to conclude either way
Malied:"for some this wide spread, its got to be powerful, I know of a few that I've read about, none of which are good news"
Geoff:"Well, if they can bleed they can die," Norrin says.
Chris T.:Fraener grins at this
Malied:"also if they burn"
Simon N. (GM):Cignor; "We can't spare much help for ye, but Ilyria could guide ye to the mine?" Ilyria nods.
Malied:"however the power of the mind of the sorts of creatures i'm talking about can turn us on one another if we are not strong willed enough"
Geoff:"A good place to start."
Qiviel:(IF this is going to require checks, I may have someone else roll for me, today was a dice aberration day in that they actually rolled well most of the time :D )
(But I guess I have a couple of inspirations now at least to try to save myself )
Ilyria:grimaces "I swore I'd never return to those Hills - but you seem like great heroes. Perhaps you can challenge the evil that has taken this land."
Chris T.:OOC I'm been summoned to supper, better get off. Thanks for another great session!
Ilyria:ok will stop there for tonight :)
Geoff:"If not, perhaps you can make us a map so we can find our own way there?"
Erasmus:"We have seen a few evils in our time."
Geoff:Great game, all! See you next time.
Qiviel:Thanks Simon, Night all :)
Erasmus:Good game, Simon. Kinda wish I hadn't wasted that first rage, but hey ho.
Simon N. (GM):GM: ILyria will guide you to the mine but her hp are a bit skimpy (same as Malied!) so she'll be hanging back :)
Erasmus:Skimpy like her atire, perhaps?
Simon N. (GM):Not
that skimpy :p bye now!
Simon N. (GM):Monster XP Athach 2900 carrion crawler 450 carrion spawn 600 total 3950/7 = 564 each. +100 exploration/roleplay/quest = 664 each
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