Thibault’s diary: 3/10/59 - No Time To Die... Twice!
The previous combats were a series of blazing victories but it was not a reason to get complacent or to sleep on it. Everybody in the group was nervous, wary of some unknown evil that could be awaiting at the corner of a corridor, or crawling in the impenetrable darkness on the levels below.
Arian, still sporting her majestic, fearsome wolven form, was sniffing the air around. Smelling the tiles on the floor, she tried to capture some intelligence about any impending threat and who could be our next enemies.
Because two pairs of nostrils are better than one, I decided to do the same with my own modest talents: I reached the eastern staircase and stared along the steps until they disappeared into the darkness.
I took a deep breath and muttered a prayer to let the divine open my senses for any emanation of an evil nature: Nothing… I never know if it’s reassuring news or if I should be more alarmed.
Trying again on the north stairs, this time I sensed the foul spiritual stench of undead entities, exactly where Tiffany the fairy conducted her reconnaissance and promptly returned, frightened.
Meanwhile, Arian had caught a smell from where she was and was trying to tell us about her findings. All we could make of it was that “something” was there.
Something not undead is often better news than something undead, so Greeba and I opened the way and marched down the eastern stairs.
A square room presented itself to us, with a dry font at its center and a beautiful ancient lance hung on the opposite wall. At regular intervals, frescoes depicted vulture demons savaging men in furry hats. Always curious and keen to discover new scriptures, Wisteria studied the artworks and thought out loud: “Looks like Narish… from the era when the Demon Empire of Narfell… often warred with Raumathar.” Her eyes turned towards us, regaining their focus and she said in a steadier voice:
As she was uttering these words, everybody froze: emerging from a dark corridor in the room behind me, an owlbear suddenly lunged towards Arian. Most of the party froze in surprise, and the wolf, who was faster than anyone, even missed the creature and her jaw clenched the air instead of the arm of the owlbear. Luckily, the monster’s beak and claws also failed to harm Arian, wasting the tactical advantage of its surprise attack.
But that was not the end of it: I suddenly felt a chilling cold grabbing me. An evil presence was in the lance room... a presence that we couldn’t see and which could attack at any moment. With a battle-front just being opened in the other room, I didn’t like the unfolding of this situation one bit…
To make sure I was ready to counterattack as soon as the threat would materialise, I prepared a ritual to repel the Evil. I planted my feet firmly into the ground, raised my sword and shouted defiantly at the darkness: “I am not afraid!”
The darkness responded in kind: out of nowhere, a shadow demon suddenly took form and was immediately confronted with the divine glow of my ritual. Unfortunately, the glow didn’t seem to be powerful enough and the demon passed through it as if my ritual was as meaningful as a faint cloud of smoke and swung its claws towards me. Fortunately, the power of my faith was protecting me and the claws ripped on my armour before vanishing as it came, in the dark.
I immediately regretted not having invoked my sword to become a divine instrument of my faith. I am now certain that its holy brightness would have kept that demon in the realm of the visible. I am still a humble student and never should forget it, especially in the heat of battle.
Once the stupor of the first assault subsided, the party was all hands on deck and from the next room, noises of a fierce animalistic brawl could be heard: A wolf barking and growling, Greeba shouting like she was hurling something across the room (I later found out it was a javelin that found its way in the owlbear).
Still without an enemy to fight me, I positioned myself so I would block the exit of the room. I certainly didn’t want to bring another enemy to my companions who were already well entertained with the owlbear.
As expected, the Shadow-demon materialised again from the darkness and reached me… Unfortunately, he was much more successful than the first time. Its spectral hands went through my armour... I felt the fear penetrating my very soul when its fingers passed through my ribs and invaded my chest. My heart suddenly constricted, I lost my breath and a veil of despair and darkness obstructed my vision, my hopes and will to live.
A faint light in the middle of a deep night sky devoid of stars is the last thing I could remember seeing… an evil cackle, the last noise I remember hearing…
The first thing I remember feeling was an enchanting tingling on my lips. Tiffany the Fairy was right in front of me, her eyes closed and bright golden sparkles were passing from her mouth to mine. I still couldn’t move yet, but I knew it was not my time yet. The sparkles stopped and I felt Wisteria holding my hand and warmth invaded my body and filled my chest with fresh air and a renewed life-force. I felt truly alive then.
Once the owlbear got defeated, my companions were now available to take care of the demon.
Eamon the monk slashed the shadow and did hurt it (albeit not as much as it should, due to its immaterial nature). The demon lashed back at him and, in turn, he also fell under the spectral claws, but was soon helped by Gorlock and the ever helpful Wisteria who then proceeded to shoot at it with her longbow (no luck).
That shadow demon proved to be a very resilient enemy: the magic arrows of Eamon were effective, and Greeba’s warhammer did something to it, if not much. Little by little, my companions were nibbling at it.
The shadow retreated behind the font and I was unable to reach it and hit it at the same time, so I decided to jump atop that font and unleash a spectacular attack on it. Unfortunately, today was not a day to be basked in glory for me: my foot missed the edge of the font when I jumped and I slid into it on my back like a soap in a bucket instead of gracefully landing upright as planned.
And yet, I was not feeling like giving up making a fool of myself and decided to take a swing at the demon while sitting down in that font… and unsurprisingly, I missed!
In turn, the demon turned towards me and, seeing me lying in the font helplessly, he clutched my chest one more time, and once again, extinguished the flame of life in me.
I never learn, do I?
Meanwhile, Gorlock and Xarius were hurting the creature pretty effectively with their spells.
Again, a very weary Wisteria brought me back from the antechamber of the realm of the dead.
Now, Xarius, Gorlock, Wisteria, Elia and Arian were taking turns at chipping away at the monster. But it was Greeba who had the last word with one her famous Greeba-smashes, when her warhammer shattered the shadow and it evaporated into darkness.
We seemed out of danger for now and decided to heal our wounds, explore the safe parts of our surroundings and find some loot.
That’s when Greeba stepped between two pools from which 6 grotesque creatures emerged...

Simon N. (GM):GM: Tiffany flutters around
Jelly:Oh darn Simon I levelled up prematurely I think: forgotten we hadn't left here yet :-(
I'll change my sheet back again
Greeba (Jelena):Which way are we going?
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"There was lots of bones up north!"
Arian:Going down? To where the probably not a dragon was?
Greeba (Jelena):past here. or past the gargoyles?
Both are going down
Arian:Has everyone used hit dice that need to?
Gorlock (Tony):past the gargoyles where tiff saw the thing
Elia :"More down over here, too!"
Greeba (Jelena):ah, yes, south
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon: Any of the two stairs are giving some different vibes? :-)
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"This place is CREEPY!"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks a lot, Jelly!
Arctic Wolf Arian:Can Arian Wolf smell anything either way?
Simon N. (GM):Is Thibault using divine sense?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yes please.
Simon N. (GM):Arian roll perception w advtg
Simon N. (GM):ok Thibault move to top of place where you're doing it
Arian you smell something big and musky south past Arian, like a bear but not
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Divine Sense (Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of Camarthen)Source | action |
Description | The presence of strong evil registers on your senses like a noxious odor, and powerful good rings like heavenly music in your ears. As an action, you can open your awareness to detect such forces. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence you sense, but not its identity (the vampire Count Strahd von Zarovich, for instance). Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell. You can use this feature a number of times equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier. When you finish a long rest, you regain all expended uses. |
Simon N. (GM):Roll Nature Arian
Gorlock (Tony):bugbear they mentioned
Greeba (Jelena):owl bear i think
Simon N. (GM):Thibault senses no fiend/celestial undead down the east steps
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes, it was indeed an owl bear.........
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK, I'm gonna go to the other stairs and try again.
Simon N. (GM):Arian - yes def a bird overtone to the scent, owlbear fits
Arctic Wolf Arian:makes growly noises and points in that direction, tries to look owl-ish Greeba (Jelena):can any o fus communicate with Arian wolf?
Simon N. (GM):Thibault you sense the presence of Undeath down the north steps, where Tiff saw bones (& scared herself)
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):So, Owlbears or Undead first on the menu?
Greeba (Jelena):or the non-interesting strais past the altar?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sound good to me.
Gorlock (Tony):Healing only if you are down. We wasted a lot last time
Wisteria of Skullspire:DM can I use Wisteria's ability to find out possibly how many undead there are?
Sirondar Altur Banacath:"What is it lassy - I mean Arian?"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Eyes of the Grave
Elia :gives Sirondar odd look Arctic Wolf Arian:whines, tries to pantomime an owl-bear, standing up on hind legs and making a passable hoot Simon N. (GM):>>Eyes of the Grave
At 1st level, you gain the ability to occasionally sense the presence of the undead, whose existence is an insult to the natural cycle of life. As an action, you can open your awareness to magically detect undead. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any undead within 60 feet of you that isn't behind total cover and that isn't protected from divination magic. This sense doesn't tell you anything about a creature's capabilities or identity.<< Doesn't do any more than Thibault's sense
Simon N. (GM):rolling d6
Thibault you see an old dry font
Greeba (Jelena):"Arian, you think we should go that way?"
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I make gestures to the rest of the party to come and follow me, please.
Arctic Wolf Arian:follows Thibault Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh i see, thanks Simon wasn't sure if it could tell numbers.
Gorlock (Tony):Can't grab my token
Greeba (Jelena):does the font smell of water, or blood?
Arctic Wolf Arian:sniffs font Gorlock (Tony):max, joining?
Simon N. (GM):The font has been dry likely for centuries
Arctic Wolf Arian:sneezes away dust Simon N. (GM):The wall frescoes depict vulture demons savaging men in furry hats
Simon N. (GM):& ripping babes from the arms of shawled women as they scream in terror
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will roll a Religion check
20 total
Greeba (Jelena):What is behind (W of ) Arian?
a door?
Simon N. (GM):GM: Looks to Wisteria like Narish, from the Demon Empire of Narfell era when they warred with Raumathar.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmmmm......these demons may yet sleep here, we should be careful.......
Arctic Wolf Arian:sniffs red splotch on floor Trystan:Let sleeping gods lie, eh?
Arctic Wolf Arian:*woof!!8
Simon N. (GM):ok stop moving
Wisteria of Skullspire:Was that your idea of a joke?
owlbear sttealth 13
Simon N. (GM):roll init pls
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of CamarthenInitiative(+1) | {20} |
Wisteria of Skullspire:Trystan 10
Simon N. (GM):I'll put sleepy markers on those w P-PER under 14
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC brb just plugging in laptop
Simon N. (GM):P-PER 14+ npt surprised
Only Arian & Wisteria not Surprised
Greeba (Jelena):So Greeba is surprised!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I'm surprised (12PP)
Arctic Wolf Arian:growls in preparedness at owlbear Simon N. (GM):oh & Trystan
Trystan:I've always got an eye out for trouble! ;-)
Simon N. (GM):#Arian wolf
The owlbear comes roiund the corner looking for blood
Arctic Wolf Arian:If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Simon N. (GM):it bats (owls) you aside
Arctic Wolf Arian:apparently slips and bites at air on 13
Simon N. (GM):hum I should prob have sorted the inits
Trystan:OOC Simon do owl bear's attacks count as weapon attacks?
Simon N. (GM):Wisteria yup
I believe so Trystan
Wisteria of Skullspire:Wisteria will cast Ray of Enfeeblement
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Ray of Enfeeblement
Necromancy 2
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration Up to 1 minute
A black beam of enervating energy springs from your finger toward a creature within range. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target deals only half damage with weapon attacks that use Strength until the spell ends. At the end of each of the target’s turns, it can make a Constitution saving throw against the spell. On a success, the spell ends.
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d20+4
That's the ranged spell attack
Simon N. (GM):OK even w cpver it's hit by the black beam & weakened
Arctic Wolf Arian:laughs wolfishly Sorry that was Trystan
Trystan:And I'll Taunt the lil fluffy cutesy owlteddy!
The bard can use a bonus action on its turn to target one creature within 30 feet of it. If the target can hear the bard, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until the start of the bard’s next turn.
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 w cover from Arian, hit in the head for 5 dmg
-2 CHA poor thing
No one likes it
Greeba (Jelena):Good taunting!
Arctic Wolf Arian:I'm not shorter than it?
Simon N. (GM):you are shorter than it, you cover less than 3/4 of it so +2 AC not +5
Arctic Wolf Arian:Gotcha!
Simon N. (GM):Owlbear attacks w disad & half dmg
The owlbear makes two attacks: one with its beak and one with its claws. Arctic Wolf Arian:miss with the disadvantage!
Simon N. (GM):Arian AC 14 so 2 misses
#Eamon your go
Eamon (Bill):i move towards the owl bear
Trystan:DM make a Con save for the olwbear?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ahhh, I knew something was down here.....
pale lights glitter from the sinister statues
Wisteria of Skullspire:"They dug too greedily and too deep".......
Simon N. (GM):An ancient lance hangs on the wall above a dais
Before a great font or bowl holding many skulls
Arctic Wolf Arian:really old skulls?
Simon N. (GM):you'd need to check later
Greeba (Jelena):They look greenish (the skulls)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Maybe this is the game room, you are supposed to use the skulls to hit the lance to be able to win it?
Simon N. (GM):Something is in the room w you :)
Arctic Wolf Arian:whuffs in direction of Shadow Demon Simon N. (GM):#Thibault you sense Evil
Arctic Wolf Arian:(If I'm close enough to detect it from where I am)
Simon N. (GM):Blackness flows from the skull font, vanishing into the shadows of the eerie chamber
#Thibault your turn
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):If I use Turn the unholy, do I need to wait for the shadows to materialise?
Simon N. (GM):You can Ready it
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Perfect that's what I do. I plant my feet firmly on the ground and start shouting defiant words to the shadows "I am not afraid!!!"
Simon N. (GM):The Shadow Demon steps out of the dark, reaching for Thibault.... he channels divine energy...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Will he attack me before I cast?
>>Turn the Unholy. As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a prayer censuring Fiends and Undead, using your Channel Divinity. Each fiend or undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can’t take Reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to Escape from an Effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.<<
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK WIS DC14 for avoiding being turned.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-( These channel divinity are not cheap... I hate to waste it.
Simon N. (GM):the shadows close around Thibault
Wisteria of Skullspire:Back to the shadows, abomination! Your presence offends Myrkul!
Simon N. (GM):Thibault fends it off
While in dim light or darkness, the demon can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
Gorlock (Tony):tiff bring som elight
Simon N. (GM):The Shadow Demon melts back into the shadows
Greeba (Jelena):How does this work with Darkvision?
Gorlock (Tony):shoot the owlbear
what is the cover from here?
Simon N. (GM):nothing to do w darkvision except w/out it anything in darkness is unseen
Greeba (Jelena):OK, so no help to see him
Gorlock (Tony):Simon, can I get a clear shot from here?
Simon N. (GM):yeah I reckon
sorry meant to hex first
or next round if too late
Sirondar Altur Banacath:"Huzzah!"
(you can hex for next)
action surge
Sirondar Altur Banacath:Handaxe (+5)
Sirondar Altur Banacath
Handaxe (+5)
Sirondar Altur Banacath
1 hit for 9
Arctic Wolf Arian:(Didn't we give him one of the swords we found?)
Sirondar Altur Banacath:it was goblin rubbish
"I prefer my axe, thank you ma'am" :)
Gorlock (Tony):Kim roll for max
He's in the loo...Xarius moves up
Arctic Wolf Arian:He can get to there
Sirondar Altur Banacath:#Wisteria
Wisteria of Skullspire:Does the owlbear still have cover from here? And guessing I can't see the Shadow Demon?
Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Toll the Dead
Necromancy Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: One creature you can see within range
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You point at one creature you can see within range, and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it for a moment. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead takes 1d12 necrotic damage.
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or 3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
On the Owl bear and hope for the best!
Wisteria of Skullspire::-(
Simon N. (GM):even w disad from Trystan
Wisteria of Skullspire:Curses!
Arctic Wolf Arian:Wise Old Owl Bear
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Greeba (Jelena):good jaws¬!
Arctic Wolf Arian:bites it disad right? so goes down
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC I do actually feel rather sorry for it!
Arctic Wolf Arian:growls triumphantly Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Nice!
(shame I can't see it)
(but I can hear it)
Elia :"Stand up! I can't see you, you feathered fiend!"
readies chill touch - a ghostly hand floats above her real hand.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Can I shoot with no cover from there?
Trystan:Sorry, hrere I am!
Elia :yes but prone so disad, that's why Elia Readied her ranged attack
Trystan:In that case I'll try Vicious mockery!
Fluffy owlteddy!
Vicious Mockery
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature you can see and that can hear you within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Greeba (Jelena):It's sensitive to criticism
Arctic Wolf Arian:(Your mother was a barn owl and your father has no feathers!)
end turn
(dinner break at end of round)
Greeba (Jelena):Can I go past Arian & Sirondar?
Simon N. (GM):if you Dash
Greeba (Jelena):Hm, I'd rather attack
so thats' with disad?
Simon N. (GM):can throw weapon at disad
he not dead yet?
Gorlock (Tony):owl bears are tough
Simon N. (GM):Owlbear Disengages and crawls away (no opp atts)
Trystan:OOC the taunt is finished Simon but I believe Ray of Enfeeblement still active?
So can make a con save.
still feeble!
Greeba (Jelena):(OOC feel a bit sad for the owlbear, but Greeba doesn't!)
Simon N. (GM):ok see you 7.20
Arctic Wolf Arian:Poor demoralised owlbear
Gorlock (Tony):had his beak clipped
hi :)
Eamon (Bill):i go towards the owl bear
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Beep beep!
Simon N. (GM):The owlbear crawled away then stood up
1st damage was wrong die
i punch
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d4 + 3
end turn
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I will just setp back a bit to guard the entrance I don't want to open a new front but I don't want to let them come in either.
Gorlock (Tony):can you create light?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And I ready an attack if they come in.
No I can't I exhausted my divine stuff.
Simon N. (GM):The demon flows in at Thib again...
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Oh yes. Simon. I will light a torch if I can.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK I can't
Simon N. (GM):readied attack Thib
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of CamarthenLongsword | {6} |
Roll Damages | Click |
That's a no then...
spectral hands enter Thib's chest, he gasps and falls.
Greeba (Jelena):Nooooo, Thib!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OUCH
Simon N. (GM):While in dim light or darkness, the demon can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
hm, not well hidden this time, only Greeba & Xarius can't see it
Greeba (Jelena):"Where did that fiend go?!"
Simon N. (GM):hm, not well hidden this time, only Greeba & Xarius can't see it
Simon N. (GM):it moves behind the wall
Simon N. (GM):you hex the owlbear but only ruffle his feathers
Simon N. (GM):Handaxe (+5)
Sirondar Altur Banacath
Sirondar chops it mightily
Arctic Wolf Arian:verily, a good whack, Sir Sirondar (in wolf)
Arctic Wolf Arian:Max is coming in here, his PC is lagging for some reason
Simon N. (GM):shooting the owlbear?
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):Yes
Gorlock (Tony):can tiff get to thib?
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):since he can't see the Shadow Demon
Simon N. (GM):It keels over dead
Gorlock (Tony):thib, how many HP?
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):And needs to roll for wild magic
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):0
Greeba (Jelena):yes! Now only to get rid of that demon!
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):rolling 1d20
That's Max done
Simon N. (GM):Tiff kisses Thib and stabilises him (still 0 hp)
Arctic Wolf Arian:Aw, sparkly sprite kiss
Simon N. (GM):The demon flinches back as the bright light outlines it
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Ohhh! What I nice dream I am having??? !
Cure Wounds
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: A creature you touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st.
Wisteria of Skullspire:Sorry that was me!
Simon N. (GM):roll the d8 pls
Wisteria of Skullspire:Casting cure wounds on Thib at level 2 for maximum (no need to roll dice due to Circle of Mortality feature)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes please
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):WOW!
Wisteria of Skullspire:Welcome back :-)
Simon N. (GM):Thib wakes up, well cared for :)
Wisteria of Skullspire:You owe me a carafe of wine once we find an Inn!
Greeba (Jelena):(OOC that's a nice feature, Jelly!)
Wisteria of Skullspire:OOC yes I do like the Grave Cleric!
OOC it only works when a character is at 0HP though.
Simon N. (GM):OOC shadow demons are insanely deadly to a party w/out humans for Light :)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thank you Wisteria!
Gorlock (Tony):That's why I sent Tiff
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Yeah. I should have used my channel divinity to create my glowing sword!
Gorlock (Tony):tiff's glowing
Simon N. (GM):arian sees the flinching demon
Arctic Wolf Arian:I seem to be stuck
Can I bite him?
Simon N. (GM):you can try
Arctic Wolf Arian:If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Arctic Wolf Arian:haha no, no I cannot
grabs a bit of shadow, it disappears
Elia :"I have no idea if this will even hurt it..."
wolf in the way - miss
Arctic Wolf Arian:whines sorry
Simon N. (GM):Max can you do that further south please?
Trystan:I will taunt the ink stain that calls itself a demon!!
(OOC that's my last taunt until LR)
Simon N. (GM):wall in way from there
Trystan:Oh sorry I couldn't see
I think it just has to hear me?
The bard can use a bonus action on its turn to target one creature within 30 feet of it. If the target can hear the bard, the target must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma saving throw or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until the start of the bard’s next turn.
Xarius:ooc, simon sorry I thought that it'd also hide from you as it said 'hide from others' under rules options
Nothing is hidden from the DM! :)
never forget it
Trystan:Hiding behind Elia, Trystan the hero!
Gorlock (Tony):This thing can roll
Simon N. (GM):Shadow demons are Cha save proficient! :-O
Trystan:Wow, demons are charismatic! Who knew?
Trystan:(Trystan secretly hopes it's actually a succubus)
Greeba (Jelena):Can i see him now that he's lit up?
to hurl a javelin at him?
(or her, we haven't talked pronouns yet)
Simon N. (GM):where are you Greeba?
Greeba (Jelena):next to trystan
Gorlock (Tony):wall in the way
Simon N. (GM):don't think you have LOS from there
& that was 30'
Greeba (Jelena):if so, I'll just dash next to Arian
Gorlock (Tony):sprint into the room
Greeba (Jelena):but is he now visible even to me?
Arctic Wolf Arian:fluffs out fur Simon N. (GM):yes in the bright light you can see him
Greeba (Jelena):thanks, end turn
Eamon (Bill):i move up towards the demon
i use ki point to dash
i attack
Simon N. (GM):sword cuts through shadows
Eamon (Bill):i say a quick prayer to solars
Simon N. (GM):it only takes 4 dmg
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I am prone is that correct?
Eamon (Bill):you know i bet being a radiant angel he dosen't like shadow demons much
15' to stand Thib
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Just enough to reach the shadow and hit it
Simon N. (GM):there is a wolf there
Arctic Wolf Arian:I'm not fat, I'm just fluffy
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Trystan:So many fluffies this session! :-)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):OK, I'll just dash around the wolfie!
Greeba (Jelena):pats Arian on head comfortingly Simon N. (GM):ok you can move 45'
Arctic Wolf Arian:OOC I can switch back too
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):That's it from me.
Gorlock (Tony):brace yourselves
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I keep an eye on the skulls
Simon N. (GM):@Arian You can revert to your normal form earlier by using a Bonus Action on Your Turn.
Gorlock (Tony):why revert?
other than rubber teeth
Simon N. (GM):Arian you get an opp att
Arctic Wolf Arian:If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Simon N. (GM):The shadow shrinks back from the bright light into the shadows
AC 13, miss :(
Simon N. (GM):Attacks Eamon
Simon N. (GM):Eamon goes down
While in dim light or darkness, the demon can take the Hide action as a bonus action.
Greeba (Jelena):Noooooo, not Eamon!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):It's OK I have some ealing !
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"What should I do?!"
plaintive Gorlock (Tony):Tiff can yuo come all the way in the room?
Find that baddie
end turn
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"Yoo-hoo! Baddie!"
Tiffany, Angelic Sprite:"I'm gonna get crumply-dumply I just know it..."
Gorlock (Tony):wait can I do one more thing?
Gorlock (Tony):bonus action healing light on Eamon
Simon N. (GM):OK. The demon is crouching behind the skull font
Xarius:I cant do anything so I double move
Gorlock (Tony):rolling 1d6
3 hp back to Eamon
Gorlock (Tony):stayin alive...
Gorlock (Tony):if I could touch you...
Gorlock (Tony):Let's corner the batsard
Wisteria of Skullspire:I'll cast Healing Word on Eamon.
He is not yet for Myrkul!
Sirondar Altur Banacath:eyes the deadly looking lance Wisteria of Skullspire:FOR DESCRIPTION ONLY
Healing Word
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Gorlock (Tony):the lance scares me
Wisteria of Skullspire:4 more HP Bill
Sirondar Altur Banacath:you still have action W
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yes but the demon has cover unfortunatly :-(
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh in that case I'll try with my longbow
Gorlock (Tony):worth a "shot"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Hmmmmm
Simon N. (GM):so you're not using shield, ok
Wisteria of Skullspire:Worth a shot!
Not for the moment, no
Wisteria of Skullspire:(it's slung on my back for now)
Arctic Wolf Arian:If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Arctic Wolf Arian:grrrrrffff barely there at all
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Good job Elia!
Simon N. (GM):I believe 1 dmg halved is still 1
Greeba (Jelena):every little helps...
Gorlock (Tony):square root of fa
Elia :"Yaay..."
tiny fist pump Trystan:Trystan will shoot at the Demon
Shadow Demon:looks around wildly, its chamber now filled with light 4 dmg
Trystan:And as a BA will Healing Word on Eamon
Healing Word
Evocation 1
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature of your choice that you can see within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
A creature of your choice that you can see within range regains hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability modifier. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the Healing increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 1st.
Yikes! Sorry :-(
Arctic Wolf Arian:Every bit counts!
Gorlock (Tony):Just keep em alive long enough for a short rest...
Gorlock (Tony):everyone has loads of hit dice
Greeba (Jelena):and frenzy
Simon N. (GM):frenzy next round
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Greeba Smash!
Greeba (Jelena):bit by bit
end turn
Simon N. (GM):It seems resistant to mundane weapons
Eamon (Bill):i stand up and get my bow out
Greeba (Jelena):sadly, at present I haven't got any other type of weapon!
eyes hanging lance
Eamon (Bill):can i shoot my bow this turn
Arctic Wolf Arian:How wispy is Mr. Demon looking?
Simon N. (GM):not very wispy
(I assume you left sword on ground)
Eamon (Bill):i'll use the +1 arrow
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Looknig at the arrow flying... with pleasure!
Gorlock (Tony):paladins can get the magic weapons spell....worth thinking about at some point
Simon N. (GM):It hisses in pain as the magic arrow cuts through shadow flesh
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thank Tony, but I can't get it anymore. I used it to do the trun the undead.
... which I regret bitterly.
Eamon (Bill):bonus action kensei shot
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d8 + 4
Gorlock (Tony):OOC-I miss the good old days where Bill pulled out 50 d6
Simon N. (GM):10 dmg to the demon
Eamon (Bill):i move back knwoing the demon wil come after me since i have magic arrows
end turn
Gorlock (Tony):sword on ground?
Arctic Wolf Arian:That's Eamons
Simon N. (GM):Eamon left sword on ground
Simon N. (GM):to be able to shoot this round
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Is it possible to jump into the skull-vase and attack the shadow from there?
Simon N. (GM):DC10 Athletics or Acrobatics
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of CamarthenAthletics(+3) | {5} |
Gorlock (Tony):face plant
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Not my day today... :-(
Simon N. (GM):you fall prone in the skulls & take d4 dmg
are you on 4
Simon N. (GM):I'll let you attack from prone (disad)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Oh sweet!
Gorlock (Tony):wait 15 I think
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Wrong
Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of CamarthenLongsword with Channel Divinity | 22 | {13} |
Roll Damages | Click |
Wisteria of Skullspire:If you wish to join Myrkul so soon, Thibault, that can be arranged! No need to go jumping into piles of skulls :-)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Ignore the first one.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of CamarthenLongsword | {6} | 19 |
Roll Damages | Click |
Simon N. (GM):any smites left?
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sorry I pressed the wrong weapon at first.
Take the second roll: so missed
Gorlock (Tony):pissed demon
Greeba (Jelena):That paladin, so truthful!
Shadow Demon:laughs at Mr Bean act Thibault of Brandiar (Phil)::-D
Shadow Demon:reaches for prone victim in sacrificial font
Arctic Wolf Arian:It is not Thib's day
Shadow Demon:claws clutch Thib's heart, he blacks out again
Greeba (Jelena):not again!!!!!
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Sorry. I am more of a liability at the moment... :-(
Wisteria of Skullspire:Don't worry, I'll write you a good reference.....
Gorlock (Tony):two left feet
Gorlock (Tony):move the hex
Simon N. (GM):You blast it for 13 dmg! It wavers
Gorlock (Tony):affect dex saves
Sirondar Altur Banacath:"By Sollars! Attaboy Gorlock!"
Sirondar Altur Banacath:>>affect dex saves<<?
Greeba (Jelena):Yay, Gorlock!
Gorlock (Tony):chose an ability
Simon N. (GM):>>choose one ability when you cast the spell. The target has disadvantage on ability checks made with the chosen ability.<< saves are not ability checks sorry
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I feel the magic next to me, in my delirious slumber...
Gorlock (Tony):sorry meant check
dex checks
Simon N. (GM):Sirondar drops his shield and takes the lance. It glimmers darkly.
Gorlock (Tony):Sironadr becomes and evil minion...
thats my last one
Arctic Wolf Arian:roll for Wild Magic too
Simon N. (GM):ok - it wavers as the missiles blast it
Wisteria of Skullspire:This is my last spell, paladin, and your last chance before Myrkul welcomes you!
Healing word on Thib
kill the demon
Wisteria of Skullspire:I can do that too, Healing word is a bA
Bonus Action
Simon N. (GM):If the shadow got to attack dying Thib it could kill him outright
Wisteria of Skullspire:As Thib is at 0HP he gets 6HP tota
(Circle of Mortality)
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks again Wisteria. I am forever grateful and in yor debt!
Arctic Wolf Arian:(Meanwhile, somewhere not very far away, Roxx is peeing his pants in laughter)
Wisteria of Skullspire:On the demon
Arctic Wolf Arian:?? You want to kill me?
Simon N. (GM):(demon avg dmg vs dying Thib 31; 36+ is insta kill)
Gorlock (Tony):no kill....Aira
Simon N. (GM):AC 15 w cover, arrow hits
5 dmg
Wisteria of Skullspire:Oh sorry was that right? I did click damage but it showed up like that?
Gorlock (Tony):that was attack not dmg
Simon N. (GM):(11/2 = 5 dmg)
Wisteria of Skullspire:Ah ok.
Arctic Wolf Arian:First, I bite. Then I'm going to BA to shift back so I can cast spells next turn
Simon N. (GM):oh that was a d20 roll!
Arctic Wolf Arian:If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Gorlock (Tony):wait a second aria
Wisteria of Skullspire:That's what I mean, something weird happened!
Simon N. (GM):W roll d8 please not d20+3 :)
Wisteria of Skullspire:I clicked on the damage part, honest!
Greeba (Jelena):nice bite!
Simon N. (GM):Arian bites it for 4 dmg
Wisteria of Skullspire:rolling 1d8+1
Arctic Wolf Arian:Does it get knocked prone?
Wisteria of Skullspire::-(
Simon N. (GM):1 dmg from W
Gorlock (Tony):chipping away
do shadows get knocked prone?
Arctic Wolf Arian:I dunno? Can they be?
Wisteria of Skullspire:Yay!
Simon N. (GM):ok it had STR 1 it goes prone, so Elia had advtg & hit it for 1 dmg!
Trystan:Trystan will take this golden opportunity to mock the s&£t out of the Demon :-)
60 feet
Vicious Mockery
Vicious Mockery
Enchantment Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Target: A creature you can see and that can hear you within range
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You unleash a string of insults laced with subtle enchantments at a creature you can see within range. If the target can hear you (though it need not understand you), it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 1d4 psychic damage and have disadvantage on the next attack roll it makes before the end of its next turn. This spell’s damage increases by 1d4 when you reach 5th level (2d4), 11th level (3d4), and 17th level (4d4).
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):And I will laugh my shadowed lungs out at Trystan's jokes.
Simon N. (GM):takes 3 psychic
it squirms with embarrassment
#Greeba #advtg
plus frenzy now
Simon N. (GM):it's already dead :)
Simon N. (GM):Bits of shadow curl up, evaporating
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Greeba smashes again!
Arian:Can Thib do hit dice?
Gorlock (Tony):loot the room
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):I think we need a short rest asap
Greeba (Jelena):any treasure?
Simon N. (GM):Sirondar: "Good work, chaps!"
Wisteria of Skullspire:Nothing escapes Myrkul's grasp, in the end......
Arian:helps Thib out of the skulls Gorlock (Tony):what are the glowy things up top
Simon N. (GM):Sirondar is holding a magic lance.
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thanks arian! I guess it's safer that way... :-)
Gorlock (Tony):nice lance
Arian:"Er, Sirondar, how are you feeling...?"
Simon N. (GM):To the north continual flames shine in the palms of 2 demonic statues
Greeba (Jelena):yes, those glowy things as well...
Trystan:Fluffy and Inkling: a title for a new heroic ballad, perhaps?
Sirondar Altur Banacath:"Very well, thanks Arian!"
Gorlock (Tony):anybody sense anything else
Simon N. (GM):Eamon recovers his sword
Eamon (Bill):i go pick up my sword
Arian:Can I do a check to see if Sirondar seems ...changed?
Wisteria of Skullspire:I would like to check the religious significance of these statues..........
Gorlock (Tony):a short rest would be amazing
Greeba (Jelena):A long rest even more!
Simon N. (GM):Sirondar seems disappointed he didn't get to use the lance on the demon.
Gorlock (Tony):I have a feeling there is more here before we get a long one in
Arian:OOC Can any of us learn identify??
Simon N. (GM):The statues are winged demons - vrock? - likely this was a holy shrine of Pazuzu like the one above
Gorlock (Tony):can we short rest but rotate a watch
Simon N. (GM):You short rest while searching the place
Arian:Anything in the pit o' skulls?
Simon N. (GM):short rest is 1 hour, you can spend hit dice
Wisteria of Skullspire:Are the glowing torches on the statues detachable?
Gorlock (Tony):Who is lowest HP
Simon N. (GM):It only seems to hold skulls. No the stone is glowing W
Gorlock (Tony):can cast cure wounds before res
Greeba (Jelena):Phil is at 6 HP
Simon N. (GM):There is a chewed up giant rat by an owlbear nest to the south
Arian:OOC Max isn't feeling well -- he's heading to bed btw
Greeba (Jelena):Get better soon Max!
Simon N. (GM):No treasure other than the lance.
Wisteria of Skullspire:The bard can perform a song while taking a short rest. Any ally who hears the song regains an extra 1d6 hit points if it spends any Hit Dice to regain hit points at the end of that rest. The bard can confer this benefit on itself as well.
Gorlock (Tony):7HealingHigher Level Cast
Xarius Jaunesse (Max):I am really tired, I'll see you all later
bye gn
Trystan:Trystan can sing the party a lullaby!
Gorlock (Tony):13 back to Thib?
Simon N. (GM):OK Thib +13
Gorlock (Tony):I use on HD on myself
Trystan:Are we short resting?
Arian:Did you do hit dice, Thib?
Gorlock (Tony):rolling 1d8
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of CamarthenHit Dice | {4} |
Simon N. (GM):EAmon is on 10
Trystan:Because in that case gain an extra
5 HP back each, if you are using hit dice.
Arian:Eamon, have you got hit dice or do you need a heal?
Gorlock (Tony):Eamon use you rHD
I'm back to full
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d8 + 1
Eamon (Bill):rolling 1d8 + 1
Arian:btw, Arian would like to keep an eye on Sirondar with his lance Simon N. (GM):Greeba finds the owlbear nest is quite clean, except for a few feathers
Arian:doesn't trust things that darkly glitter Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Simon, I have Recover. But DndBeyond deosn't want to play fair. DO I get 10+2 for each hit dice?
Simon N. (GM):Trystan on 20
Greeba (Jelena):ah, and any monsters in the adjacent passage?
Trystan:Is that with the +5, Simon?
And thanks, I can't seem to modify his HP my end
Sirondar Altur Banacath:yes w the +5
Arian:Are the skulls all human-ish?
And old or new?
Simon N. (GM):Greeba sees no monsters.
The skulls look human & elven, about even mix, and very old
Arian:Like Wisteria said, if those glowy things are detachable, they'd look nice at the fort
Thibault of Brandiar (Phil):Thibault of Brandiar, Knight of CamarthenHit Dice | {7} |
Simon N. (GM):well w a chisel you might break them off
Arian:"Eamon, do you need a heal as well? Or are you okay now?"
Arian:Greeba has smith tools?
Greeba (Jelena):yes, i have smith tools
pretty lights that evil demons don't need
Simon N. (GM):OK hm... DEX +prof (thieves tools) DC 10 Greeba
Wisteria of Skullspire:You're right, Arian, they would look very well at Fort Skulnar! Truly we elves are the only ones with real aesthetic sensibility........
Gorlock (Tony):yay, wak e the gargoyles
Greeba (Jelena):DEX check you mean, Simon? Prof bonus is +2
Gorlock (Tony):bumbumbumbummmmmmmm